Memory, Bottle Cap,
Popsicle, Spool, Match Stick Art

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Antiques and Folk Art made from Found Objects, "Make Do" pieces

Bottle cap rabbits jazz band
Bottle cap rabbits jazz band
Shell covered salt and pepper set
Memory ware shard pedestal stand
Memory ware shard
pedestal stand
Match stick horse
Match stick art horse
Art Deco dresser box
Layered Art Deco dresser box
built from plywood strips
Bottle cap pitcher
Bottle cap pitcher
TV Memory bottle
TV Memory bottle
Bottle cap basket
Bottle cap basket
Antiques and Folk Art made from Found Objects, "Make Do" pieces

Memory, Shard, and Shell:

Memory ware shard pedestal standThis is a really beautiful and detailed memory ware pedestal. It is covered with a particularly rich variety of shards from very fine china, as well as doll heads, baby figurines, patterned glass, a china frog and rooster's head, a lady's watch, and a doll's cup and pitcher. The spaces between the shards are painted in an old, dark, oxidized gold. In the center top is a heavy hammered copper ashtray that is not attached. It lifts off to reveal a round open space. While probably not original to the stand, this is how we found it, so we are offering it as is.

There is a fair amount of loss around the lower edges of the top, with a lesser amount on the edges of the base. This is not at all obvious or intrusive to us, we had to look closely to see some of it. Take a look at the many closeup images to see the great detail for yourself, and if you have any questions, give us a call. This wonderful stand was made in the early 1900's. Some of the decoration appears to be much older. It measures 28" high by about 9" by 9". The price is $775.00. Inventory Code: THHA.   Memory ware pedestal stand ... The other sides ... Closeup of the top ... Closeup of the base ... Closeup of the middle ... From above ... From above, ashtray removed ... Another overall view from above ... Closeup of top, 2nd side ... Closeup of top, 3rd side ... Closeup of top, 4th side ... Closeup of base, 2nd side ... Closeup of base, 3rd side ... Closeup of base, 4th side ... Top, from below ... Another closeup of top, ashtray removed ... Final closeup of top ... Another closeup of base, from above ... Extreme closeup of base.

TV Memory bottleThis is a well constructed memory bottle decorated with multicolor beads, shells, and includes two portions of football trading cards and two collecting cards from the TV shows Knight Rider and Dallas. They are dated 1981 and 1982, which appears to be about when it was made. The bottle is in excellent condition with no loss. It is 13" high and 5 1/2" in diameter. The price is $125.00. Inventory Code: AWHA.   Image ... Second view - "Knight Rider" ... Third view - "Dallas" ... Fourth view ... From above ... From below.

Shell decorated salt and pepper shakersThis is a salt and pepper set decorated with shells and coral. They are finished with a light coat of varnish, and are in excellent condition, with a few small chips, but no missing pieces. They are from the 1950's or 60's and are each 4" high by 3" in diameter. The price of the salt and pepper set is $45.00. Inventory Code: ATHH.   Shell covered salt and pepper shakers ... Another view ... From above.

Jump to: Memory    Popsicle Stick

Bottle Cap

Bottle cap basketThis is a bottle cap basket with good form and nice, subtle color. It is made from older cork lined bottle caps, many of which are labeled from Baltimore. Some of the many brands include Moxie, Arrow, 7-Up, Popular Club Old Style Birch Beer, Gunther Brewing Baltimore, and Free State Brewery Baltimore, which closed in the early 1950's. The caps have darkened with age. The size is 11 1/4" high by about 10" by 10 1/2". Age is probably from the 1940's or 50's, but could be earlier. The condition is excellent. The price is $375.00. Inventory Code: CROS.   Bottle cap basket ... Another angle ... Third view ... Side view ... The other side ... From above ... Another view from above ... From below ... Closeup ... Second closeup ... Third closeup ... Fourth closeup ... Fifth closeup ... Sixth closeup ... With a soda can for scale.

Bottle cap rabbits jazz bandThis is a wonderfully folky set of rabbit musicians made from bottle caps and found objects. There is a piano, drums, banjo, base, saxophone, and one rabbit who is singing and/or directing. The ears, tails, arms, and legs are bottle caps folded in half. Their whiskers are wire, the noses are tiny screws painted red at the tips. There are several larger plastic caps in the drum set, and the black keys on the piano are short lengths of heavy wire. Each figure is free standing, they can be rearranged on the wooden base. The individual rabbits range from about 5" to 6" tall. The wooden base is 11 1/2" wide by 9 1/4" deep, with the upper platform 4 3/4" high. The age appears to be c. 1970's. The condition is good. The platform the drummer sits on has lost some sequins, and a couple of the bottle cap feet appear to have been replaced. The price is $1750.00. Inventory Code: CCCP.   Bottle cap rabbits jazz band ... Another angle ... A third view ... Side view ... The other side ... Back view ... From above ... Another view from above ... The rabbits off of the base ... Closeup of 3 rabbits ... Closeup from back ... Closeup of the other three ... The other three from back ... With a soda can for scale.
Some much larger photos:   Bottle cap rabbits jazz band ... Another angle ... A third view ... Side view ... The other side ... Back view ... From above ... Another view from above ... The rabbits off of the base ... Closeup of 3 rabbits ... Closeup from back ... Closeup of the other three ... The other three from back ... With a soda can for scale.

Bottle cap pitcherThis is a pitcher made from bottle caps, with a large can lid for the bottom. It has very good form, and is painted a dark, oxidized gold. This is an older piece, made from cork-lined caps. You can just make out that one or two of the caps are from Coca-Cola. The pitcher is in very good condition with minor paint wear. It stands 7 1/4" high by 11" long by 7" wide. The price is $275.00. Inventory Code: TCHC.   Bottle cap pitcher ... Side view ... The other side ... From above ... Two front views ... Back view ... From below ... Closeup from above ... Closeup from below.

Jump to: Memory    Bottle Cap

Popsicle, Spool, and Match Stick

Match stick horseThis is an unusual folk art wall piece. It has the image of a horse made from cut match sticks glued over plywood, with a rhinestone for an eye. The horse is surrounded by four rectangular frames and two round medallions. It is finished in crazed black paint and several shades of stain, with clear lacquer or varnish. The size is 12 1/2" high by 25 3/4" wide by 1/2" thick. Age is from the second half of the 20th century. The condition is very good, with minor loss on the corners and a couple of replaced match sticks. The price is $375.00. Inventory Code: COTH.   Match stick horse ... Closeup of horse ... Closeup, one corner ... Second corner ... Third corner ... Fourth corner ... Side view ... The other side ... From above and below ... Back view ... With a soda can for scale.
Some much larger photos:   Match stick horse ... Closeup of horse ... Closeup, one corner ... Second corner ... Third corner ... Fourth corner ... Side view ... The other side ... From above and below ... Back view ... With a soda can for scale.

Art Deco dresser boxThis is a three drawer Art Deco style dresser box with unusual construction. The front, sides, back, and top are built up from strips of plywood. The strips were turned so that the edges of the layers show, giving an effect similar to inlay or matchstick work. It is also related to the "flat work" style of tramp art, except that the layers are not carved. The initials "M.E.C." are incised and then painted on the top. The back crest is cut out in steps, with incised lines. A mirror is set into the upper back. The box is finished in a light varnish, darkened slightly with age. It was made in the first half of the 20th century, and measures 10 3/4" high by 12" wide by 7 1/2" deep. The condition is excellent with the exception of a sliver missing from the top of the mirror and a little bit of the silvering, as seen in the closeup. The price is $325.00. Inventory Code: CATP.   Layered Art Deco dresser box ... Front view ... From above ... Another angle ... One side ... The other side ... Back view ... Another view from above ... Drawers open ... Closeup of the mirror ... From below ... With a soda can for scale.
Some much larger photos:   Layered Art Deco dresser box ... Front view ... From above ... Another angle ... One side ... The other side ... Back view ... Another view from above.

Antiques and Folk Art made from Found Objects, "Make Do" pieces

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